Frequently asked questions

I get a ‘Windows protected your PC’ message pop up when I try to install the latest download.

You’re get this popup message because the package builder we use to build the installer no longer signs the resulting installation application with a code certificate. This does not mean the installer is unsafe, just that ‘Windows Defender’ cannot validate the installation.

To run the installation, click the ‘More info’ link and then click the [Run anyway] button.

MTD Submission Pro (for VAT)
SA Submission Pro
P11D Submission Pro
When attempting to submit to HMRC I am receiving an error regarding TLS 1.0, TLS1.1 and TLS1.2.

HMRC have recently implement stricter connection protocols on their servers, please follow the steps outlined here to make sure TLS 1.2 is enabled on your PC.

If you are running an unsupported version of Windows (anything prior to Windows 10), you will need to switch to our cloud solutions.

MTD Submission Pro (for VAT)
SA Submission Pro
P11D Submission Pro
A VAT period is locked and I can’t resubmit it.
  1. Open and login to the software
  2. Select the business
  3. Right click on the locked period and choose [Delete Period]
  4. Right click on the period list and choose [Sync with HMRC]
  5. Select the period
  6. Re-import the information and submit as normal
MTD Submission Pro (for VAT)
When submitting a Tax return I get a 1046 rejection.

This is due to the HMRC credentials entered in the software not matching those held at HMRC.

First step is to check you credentials with HMRC work as expected, to do this go to HMRCs website and login to the tax account to ensure they work

Next step is to check the HMRC credentials within SA Submission Pro you need to open the software and then go to FBI>FBI Sender information, update these credentials to ensure they match those used to login to HMRCs website

SA Submission Pro
When attempting to retrieve periods from HMRC or submitting a VAT return I get an authentication error.

This is either because the authorisation between the software and HMRC has expired (it typically lasts 18 months) or the incorrect HMRC credentials have been used to authorise the software.

To fix this you will need to reset your HMRC Authorisation, to do this
  1. Open and Login to the software
  2. Select the cog icon at the top right
  3. Select [Rest HMRC Authorisation]
MTD Submission Pro (for VAT)
I would like to move my software and licence to a new machine.

We would recommend switching to our cloud solution to allow you to use the software from any machine.

For more details on how to switch to our cloud solution or instructions for moving the desktop software to a new machine please Contact us.

MTD Submission Pro (for VAT)
SA Submission Pro
When submitting P11Ds I’m getting rejection stating 5012 - 'Forename – This field contains an invalid character'.

HMRC only allow a single forename on P11Ds, so you will need to check each employee to remove any second forenames or middle names that have been entered. After doing this the submission should be successful.

P11D Submission Pro